Christian Women Meeting Minutes


St. Anne’s Christian Women met Tuesday, May 14, 2024 in Mary Hall beginning with fellowship/refreshments at 6:30 pm followed by President Karen Des Autels calling the business meeting to order at 6:45 pm with opening prayer and pledge of allegiance.   Fifteen members were present. 

Minutes from the April 9, 2024 meeting were approved as read; also approved was the treasurer’s report showing a balance of $1,313.23 in checking and $3,538.88 in savings for a total of $4,852.11. 


Rosary at  May Sunday Masses…Sharon Spanier and Karen Des Autels have been leading.  President Karen encouraged others to also do so, whether alone or with others.

Fun, Food and Fund Day…our diocesan Council’s annual fund raiser, will take place Thursday, June 20th at St. Paul’s Parish in Sauk Centre.  Sign up sheet for car pooling was circulated. Anyone else interested in attending should contact Karen ASAP.  Registration fee will be paid for up to 10 attendees.  As in the past, we will donate a gift for the silent auction.

NCCW Province Conference…will be Tuesday, June 25 at St. Mary’s Church in Sleepy Eye, MN.

DCCW Annual Fall Conference…will be in September.  Final details are not yet in place so please watch upcoming bulletins for details as they become available.

Graduation Mass… Plans for this May 19th Mass are coming together nicely thanks to Cyntia Lommel and Julie Kraemer who are working with liturgy participation with our 4 graduates who will be in attendance. Cards have been purchased and given to Cyntia who will get them to the graduates.

50 Year Members…We have none this year.


Donation…Motion was made by Sandie Weber to give the Decorating Committee $250.00.  Motion was seconded and passed.  This is to be used for purchase of plants and fabric for making banners.

Liturgy Committee…Mary Neidermeier reported tentative plans are underway to celebrate St. Wendelin’s 165 years as a parish. Plans are to celebrate this milestone on Sunday, October 13 with a German meal following Mass.  Committee also suggests annual remembrance of our October 22nd patronal feast of St. Wendelin.

Hospitality Committee…continues formation under direction of Kathy Watrin with plans to hopefully “resurrect” a Welcome Packet from the past. For more information or to help, call Kathy at 333-2109.

Election of Officers…President Karen reminded membership that three of our four current officers, president, vice-president and secretary, are stepping down from their positions.  Nominations were then asked for the treasurer position.  Stacey Watrin was nominated and she accepted the nomination.  A verbal vote was taken and all present voted yes.  Stacey will be the group’s treasurer for two years.  Karen thanked Stacey for doing a good job the last two years and congratulated her on being treasurer for the upcoming two years.  Karen then asked for nominations for the president, vice-president and secretary.  When none came forth for any of these vacancies, membership accepted from the floor, the suggestion to form a Nominating Committee to find candidates which would be presented at our September meeting or at an earlier special meeting.  Committee members include Jolene Brang, Karen Des Autels, Mary Neidermeier and Char Volkmuth.

Commission Reports…Members were reminded to check the “Our Catholic Voice” diocesan newsletter at for a wealth of pertinent info or go to our parish website, and click on the St. Anne’s Christian Women tab.

Pro Life Notes…Char reported the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) which would deceptively “enshrine” unlimited abortion in our state Constitution, while excluding protection for conscience and faith, is now moving through the House with expectation it will be voted on within the next day or two. Should this pass, it would put the question up to the voters on the 2026 general election ballot.  Even at this late hour, members were encouraged to keep praying and continue contacting legislators to vote “ NO” on the proposed legislation. Char also thanked the membership for their $500.00 donation to MCCL last month which MCCL has put to excellent use via TV commercials and newspaper ads “pushing back” against the proposed legislation.

Miscellaneous…Question was raised about painting and flooring in church, which is currently under consideration; per bulletin note, questions should be referred to Geralyn Hurrle, 266-1359 who is working with the group. Adoration at the Capitol…Karen Des Autels, Virginia Meyer, and Char Volkmuth attended on May 3rd. They found the experience gratifying, would be ready to go again, and would heartily recommend it to anyone who might be interested. Thank You notes,  for donations given,were acknowledged from our school and the Poor Clares. Members were reminded of the Diocesan Eucharistic Procession coming through our area May 23rd and 24th.  Details will be in the May 19th bulletin.

Adjournment at 7:45 pm…with drawing for door prize, (a plant) going to Vicky Kohorst, and Prayer Partner exchange. Next meeting will be Tuesday, September 10, 2024 in Mary Hall with fellowship at 6:30 pm followed by business meeting at 6:45 pm.

                                                                                                                        Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                                                                        Char Volkmuth, Secretary