Christian Women Meeting Minutes


St. Anne’s Christian Women met Tuesday, April 9, 2024 in Mary Hall beginning with fellowship/refreshments at 6:30 pm followed by President Karen Des Autels calling the business meeting to order at 6:45 pm with opening prayer and pledge of allegiance.   Nineteen members were present. 

Minutes from the December 12, 2023 meeting were approved as read; also approved was the treasurer’s report showing a balance of $5,613.23 in checking and $3,537.86 in savings for a total of $9,151.09.  Treasurer Stacy also asked for help in updating recent deaths of our membership to enable having Masses said for the deceased.


Donations…Following recommendations and discussion, a total of $4,200.00 in donations was approved as follows: Pregnancy Resource Center, $200.00; Hildegard Rohe, $200.00; Elevate Pregnancy Center, $400.00; MCCL, $500.00; Quiet Oaks, $300.00; St. Wendelin School for Tuition Assistance, $2,000.00; Jack Massmann, Seminarian from SMHOC, $300.00 and Poor Clares, $300.00.


Rosary at May Sunday Masses…A rosary sign up sheet will be in the foyer of the church for members to sign up when they are able to lead the rosary. President Karen encouraged members to gather in small groups and sit up front to lead.

Election of Officers… President Karen announced that election/installation of officers will take place at our next meeting on May 14th.  All four officer positions need to be filled.  Our current president, vice-president and secretary will not be seeking re-nomination.  Members should come to the May meeting with names in mind to nominate for these positions. 

Spring West Central Deanery Meeting…will be Tuesday, April 16th at St, Mary’s Church, Upsala beginning with 6:00 pm Mass followed by meal and meeting.  All are welcome.

Gifts for our Graduates…Following discussion, it was decided to again send congratulatory cards to our high school graduates.  Cyntia Lommel and Julie Kraemer have graciously agreed to work with our seven grads to help them with participation in our May 19th Mass in their honor.            

Hospitality Committee…Per discussion by our Parish Life Committee, an attempt is being made to establish a Hospitality Committee which is in process.  Thoughts are they would visit newcomers and possibly bring food to people in times of special need.  Anyone interested in getting involved should call Kathy Watrin at 333-2109.  Several group heads who were present stated they regularly welcome new members with a visit (maybe bring a dessert too) or phone call. Membership was grateful that new parishioners are being welcomed in this way.

Final Eucharistic Project…In keeping with the celebration of the Year of the Eucharist, President Karen presented the final project, which was a tri fold “Thinking of You” Card with the inside notation of offering the next Sunday Mass for the recipient.  Each member was given a card (along with a stamped envelope) to be sent to the person of her choice.

Commission Reports…Members were advised to check out the “Our Catholic Voice” Newsletter which can be found at

Pro Life Notes…Char reported that our state’s current, extreme abortion laws that allow abortion right up until birth and in some cases, even allowing newborns to die, have made our state an abortion haven. Also of great concern is the fact that our Legislature has repealed any assistance to Pregnancy Care Centers while also promoting the proposed Equal Rights Amendment which would “enshrine” abortion in our Constitution and restrict religious liberty by removing the word “creed” from protected rights. Besides all this, a proposal is looming to legalize assisted suicide.

In spite of all this negativity, there is hope as seen in current statistics showing many of our younger generation to be pro-life. This was clearly seen at our capitol back on January 22nd at the Prayer Service/March for Life where many young people, especially young men, carried signs saying, “I am the pro life generation”!  Giving hope too are groups like 40 Days for Life, MCCL and word from our Bishop Neary that he, along with other MN bishops and clergy, visit legislators at the capitol on a regular basis to express concerns and keep an open dialogue going.  

What to do? Char encouraged PRAYER including prayers for abortion proponents to have a change of heart to see the humanity of the unborn.   She also informed members about Eucharistic Adoration at the capitol on First Fridays while the Legislature is in session and invited members to consider going on May 3rd which is the final time for this session. It’s also important to keep informed by going to, contacting legislators, supporting our Pregnancy Care Centers and keeping hope as we try to infuse goodness into evil by being Christ-like and loving to all.

Haloes…were given to Carol Diehl (from SMHOC) for her work with the Seven Sisters Apostolate, a ministry that gives prayer support to priests and Karen Des Autels, for going above and beyond as our St. Anne’s CW president.

Miscellaneous…Question was raised as to the challenge of how to get people to accept new jobs or committee work without them feeling it’s a forever task. No definite answers here but it’s clear this is an ongoing challenge faced in many areas of parish life.

Adjournment at 8:18 pm…with drawing for door prize which went to Pat Salzbrun, and Prayer Partner Exchange.  Next meeting will be Tuesday, May 14, 2024 in Mary Hall with fellowship starting at 6:30 pm followed by business meeting at 6:45 pm.

                                                                          Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                          Char Volkmuth, Secretary