St. Wendelin Council 17025
The Knights of Columbus was founded in 1882 by Fr. Michael McGivney as a method to support families during times of need. Fr. McGivney, now Blessed Michael McGivney is presently one step from Sainthood.
This Council was founded in May of 2018 to support our families, the church, and the community. The first Grand Knight was Henry (Hank) Kohorst. Hank, along with Fr. Ron Weyrens and Gary Maus were the impetus in starting the council. The founding members are listed on the Council Charter, located in the foyer area of Mary Hall. Your neighbor may be a Knight, as all Catholic men are eligible to become Knights.
Local activities include:
Raising funds for Catholic Schools
Raising funds for the advancement of Catholic education
Financially and Spiritual support for Seminarians
Support for the priests that administer to our parishes
Support of parish needs and projects
Roses Campaign to support Respecting Life
Tootsie Roll Drive in support of Developmental Disabilities
Keep Christ in Christmas Poster project
Youth Basketball Free Throw Championship
Partnering with other local groups on larger projects
Council Officers:
Chaplain: Fr. Matthew Crane
Grand Knight: David Waltzing
Deputy Grand Knight: Todd Hurrle
Financial Secretary: Gary Maus
Treasurer: Keith Koltes
Warden: Dan Walters
Recorder: Nick Lieser
Guard: Charlie Dombrovski, Al Bloch
Trustees: Vernon Koshiol, Gerald Tolman, Lance Watrin
Meetings are on the 1st Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM in Mary Hall
Information about the Knights of Columbus can be found at: www.KofC.org
For local information about the Knights contact: Gary Maus via email: kofc17025@outlook.com